Monday, March 4, 2013

Standing Firm

     In this day and age there are so many different opinions, feelings, and views on life. There is not one person on the face of this earth that hasn't had their opinion laughed at or mocked. Every single human being has a perspective on life and they are all different. My dad always says, "There are the way things are and the way things should be." Which is so true.
     When you encounter someone who has a completely different view on things and ask your opinion most times they already know your answer. They are usually just luring you in so they can express their opinion to you and try and get you to change your beliefs. Sadly, this happens so often and even worse, many people fall for this and have their beliefs changed in an instant.
     When you are asked what you believe in and your answer isn't the "right" answer, more often then not you are tempted to lie and say, "Oh yea, I believe in what you do." So you can keep a friend or trying to 'go with the flow'. Whatever you do DON'T DO THAT! You have to stand firm in what you as an individual believe. If you can't stand up for yourself how can you stand up for others?
     That is my thought of the week, I hope you take this blog to heart!

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