If you are anything like me then you probably just have to take a moment to really understand and realize what is going on. Once you've accessed the situation you'll often feel a desperate want to do something as well as wanting to catch the person who did that awful thing. If and when you are in a situation where you can't do anything except pray my only advice is just that, to pray. God is always right there when you need Him, just a prayer away. When you are scared, hurt, or maybe even just angry, bring it to God. Just remember these two things: 1. One person doesn't make the whole world a bad place. 2. One day doesn't make your whole life a mess.
While I was writing this we already had the relief that "Suspect #1" had been killed and wasn't worrying us anymore and just a few moments ago "Suspect #2" was taken into custody. I believe that right now is a great time to bow your heads for a moment of thankfulness that this nightmare is over. I know for some, however, this isn't over but yet just the beginning for those who has a family member that was killed or injured. Please keep those people who are just beginning this new journey in your thoughts and prayers over the next few weeks as they will need all the support they can get.
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