I have three huge fears in this life. Fears are things we personally chose to be afraid of, most of the time, that is. Sometimes we don't have the choice to be afraid of something because of a terrifying previous experience, but for me personally, I chose to be afraid of three particular things. I am scared of alligators/crocodiles, sharks, and failure. I'm not quite sure where the fear of the water animals has come from, but what I do know is every time I see any of them on TV, or sometimes the rare experience of seeing them in real life, I freak out. Thankfully I've never been so close that I begin to hyperventilate, but I know if any ever got too close I would most likely have a heart attack. The thought of their stealthiness, swiftness, and pure eeriness about them is just too much for me to handle. For some, the thrill of being around animals of that nature is what keeps them feeling alive, so they chose to enjoy their time around them.
The fear of failure, however, is much more common. It's something I believe we all feel at some point and time in our life. It's the fear of letting someone, or some of the time, yourself down. Usually we have the power to control whether we do or do not let anyone down just by our actions but unfortunately, we don't always have that choice. If we are afraid of letting someone else down, it's for one reason and one reason alone. It's because we care enough about this person enough to give them our best and when we don't do that, whether it be our chose or not, we feel heartbroken because we couldn't meet our final goal. In the end, if we're lucky, the person we are trying to please loves and cares about us enough that they will forgive us and give us another chance to show them what we're really capable of. The next time you are given a project or an assignment, give it your all and see the effects that the action produces.
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