Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Family; The Importance of It

     Family is the one thing that every single person has or has had before. We may not always know the people that brought us life, but we can feel them in our hearts; we know that they've been there and left a life-long impression which could have been good or bad. There is that one particular group of people in the world that we belong to, that loves us. The importance of family is more then we'd ever know, it's something we never really realize we have until it's missing or left behind. Though family is something usually thought of as people you are blood related to, I don't believe that in the slightest. Yes, we have the people we are related to that we care for and trust, but I've found that I trust more people that I'm not related to then ones I am. Whoever the people are that you care for and are cared for by, those are the ones that are considered family in our lives and should never, ever take them for granted. You never know, one day they could be here and then be gone. The next time you see someone that you consider to be your family, tell them that; don't ever waste the time you have with those special people in your life.

"Family is more than just DNA, it's about people who care and take care of each other."

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